January- The Power of How You Feel- A three-part series

In this class, I will be addressing one of the most important steps to manifesting anything you want in your life. I will have each of you select one goal or intention you have set for yourself in the coming year and we will get into a powerful feeling mode about that goal. Once there, I will guide you through specific belief work to help you hold on to that powerful feeling state.

Dates: 1/23/24 and 1/31/24

Time: 6:45- 7:45 pm

Price: $35/person

February-Feeling Good in Your Mind- Part two

In part two we will examine the past or even current situations in your life to change your beliefs about these events. A mind that feels good looks for more to feel good about. We can train our minds to do this and it will have a powerful effect on the outer circumstances of our lives.

Dates: 2/6/24 and 2/23/24

Time: 6:45- 7:45 pm

Price: $35/person

10+ Years of


Learn About My Services

I am honored that you have chosen me to help you. There are various ways I can do just that, so I invite you to explore what I have to offer. I can’t wait to work with you!

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Years Experience

Your life is a rich tapestry woven from the threads of relationships that your soul has been drawn to experience in order to learn many valuable lessons. Relationships are how you first create a sense of your own identity and how you heal wounded parts of yourself. Each relationship you encounter is a mirror of your strengths, your fears, and your weaknesses. This workbook is designed to take you on a journey of getting to know yourself better through the relationships that you have attracted. The work you do here will further your understanding of the subconscious limiting beliefs you carry about relationships. Through the belief work tools in this book, you can create more connection, more harmony, and weave more unconditional love into the tapestry of all the relationships that are in your life.

Nicole Biondich: Co Author

Transforming Relationships Through Belief Work

Nicole Biondich co-authored “Transforming Relationships Through Belief Work” with Mayline Robertson.

Click the button below to learn more, or click the purchase links if you’re ready to buy your copy and start changing your life.

Upcoming Events

Book Signing at Barjon's Books

Mark your calendar for January 21st from 1-3pm. Get a chance to meet the authors, and at 2pm there will be a chapter reading from the book. Make sure to get your copy and find your answers!

Nicole Biondich: Co Author

Stepping into the Light

Nicole Biondich co-authored “Stepping into the Light: A Guide to Clearing Limiting Beliefs” with Mayline Robertson.

Click the button below to learn more, or click the purchase links if you’re ready to buy your copy and start changing your life.

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Years Experience

It’s a good bet that there are some challenging circumstances in your life right now. Maybe you are facing questions about God and your faith, or even faith in yourself. Maybe you’re in conflict over forgiveness with your partner about something they did, or you’ve been wanting to open yourself up to the possibility of a love interest. You deserve to have the basic energetic tools that will heal your mind, body and every part of your life, no matter how difficult it has been so far. Perhaps you don’t know your purpose or understand what direction your life should take. Whether your concerns seem large or small at the moment, we have found that limiting core beliefs of all sizes have an impact on you and your life. This book contains lists of limiting beliefs and tools you can use to clear them for yourself.


Why You Must Master Them

Your beliefs drive your behavior and therefore shape your life for better or worse. Limiting beliefs prevent you from living your best life. What limiting beliefs are holding you back?


Book these remote appointments


Nicole Biondich

Nicole has developed meditations to help others uncover their limiting beliefs as well as to break through internal blocks. She works with clients everyday to help them uncover their own potential and is a strong supporter of the idea that each of us has the power to heal ourselves.

Nicole Biondich



Happy Clients

Nicole is the most gifted medium. It was very comforting to connect with someone I had missed for so many years. I will be talking to her in the future. She’s the best!

Deborah M. Boca Raton, FL

Her guidance and intuitive help is spot on. She points to issues that are right in front of us, however some may be deep seated issues as well... What a gem she is-very kind, compassionate and loving. If you’re on your path to healing, letting go to become sovereign then Nicole is your go to.

Jenny Aigner Billings, MT

Nicole has  very  special gifts that needs to be shared with the world . She has a compassionate heart and a gentle spirit that will enrich your family!   Nicole has blessed our family with other readings , knowing that there are communication lines open to us from the after life.

Kevin Bochy Billings, MT

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